ikoe » /opd
For but a moment, let's go back by a couple of years. I'm mindlessly browsing /wsg/ for what I believe was my first time, and at some point, I come across a WebM with a looped scene from Gurren Lagann. In the background is an odd tune; a lo-fi track, one that's minimalist in its tone, yet somehow solid enough to give me the same vibes that I'd feel when listening to something like HOME's Resonance. The track in question was Through Your Thigh, song N°2 on OHPLEASEDONT's IT GOES AWAY EP.
During that time, IT GOES AWAY was available via a publisher's Bandcamp - and for free, too - so it was only natural that I snagged a copy of it in good ol' FLAC. The rest of the EP is quite solid as well, but Through Your Thigh stuck out like a positively-sore thumb. And for the little while that I listened to it, things were good.
It wasn't until recently that I felt like downloading it again. I had moved to a new PC some eight months back when I thought "hey, I should get that EP again", seeing as some of the things I tried to transfer off of my old HDD got corrupted in the process of moving. But to no avail; OHPLEASEDONT had disappeared from Bandcamp, his Blogspot didn't exist anymore, and any other site he probably had seemed to have disappeared. Soulseek didn't have anything beyond maybe one or two people hosting it in MP3, either.
For a while, I thought that I had lost an obscure diamond in the rough. After recently dragging my HDD out of the old rig and connecting it to my new one, I found out that - thankfully enough - it was still in my Music folder, safe and sound. And thinking of it now, OPD's case is a small one, but it does hold a kind of lesson; keep your shit archived and safe.
Though I guess that's kind of a given.