Last edited: 24/Mar/2024


      Titanfall 2 nerd. I love finding wack source shenanigans and putting them to use against other players.
      Traditional Roguelikes are pretty sweet
      boom shoots, i've put it upon myself to play some, but not all. I had a spreadsheet semi-prepared but realised i could use this to track progress instead, on it soon™. edit: i did it™
      Soulseeking is a nice pastime. just downloading stuff is a great way to fill up my hard drive with whatever
      Apart of, but not limited to:
      • Private Void Enterprises
        some guy, i guess.
      • TF|2: Northstar as a semi-prolific kraber player
      • Frogsama's Pond, one of the last remaining 98 members still inside Sketchek's old and abandoned steam group. Extremely inactive, but there are important people in there, so im staying too.
      • Hackmud, played for a while, i don't really know programming so instead i ramble through dead accounts and gamble with the money
      • /bng/, every saturday (usually night) we hop on BallisticNG and race on zen difficulty, very fun, good people


    os: Windows10
    editor: Nano
    terminal: PuTTY
    gpu: GTX 1660 Super
    cpu: intel i5-10400f
    16gb ram

    my old laptop:
    os: Void Linux
    wm: i3
    editor: Nano
    terminal: QTerminal
    i'll use linux again someday


    • me, of course
    • sprite, for the original "soda" and "Mark II" themes, and for hosting the site which is pretty cool i think.
    • ikoe, for your help, which will forever remain invaluable, and for being an allround cool lad
    • spoonm, for making the original design my site used to be based off of, wherever you are, i hope you're ok.
    • stackoverflow & w3schools, (fuck these two in particular)
    • my best friend, who will go unnamed, but you know who you are.
    • and lastly... YOU.
